
Parents & Volunteers

Volunteering at Head Start

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to volunteer as often as possible, your time and energy are always appreciated! You are always welcome in the classroom and are invited to attend field trips and special classroom events.  If you want to help out but can’t volunteer in your child’s classroom, ask the staff if there is anything you can do from home.

Parents/Guardians who volunteer more than 20 hours per week will be asked to complete a criminal background check and a TB risk assessment from a doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. This is at no cost to you.  One of our Family Service Worker will be happy to help with the necessary paperwork.

For more information about volunteering in your child’s classroom, please contact his or her teacher or refer to the Parent Handbook.

Parent Committees

At the Appalachian Council Head Start, parents come together each month for Parent Committee Meetings to talk about their children, Head Start education and activities, community issues, and family issues.  Parents work together to have fun, support each other, and make the Head Start program successful for their children.  Parents bring a wealth of knowledge about their child and family to these meetings.  Discussions may focus on the types of activities you want in your child’s classroom, the activities you might want to do with other Head Start families, various issues concerning children, and community issues or events.

Parent Committees consist of a team which includes a President, Vice President, Secretary and a Treasurer every year.  The President leads the meetings and keeps the Parent Committee moving towards their established goals.  Vice President conducts meetings and handles group business in the President’s absence, Secretary takes minutes at the meetings and maintains the center’s parent meeting book, and the Treasurer keeps accurate records of the Parent Committee’s financial transactions.

Parent Committees have a small activity fund to use each year.  There are certain rules for using the funds. Some Parent Committees may decide to use the funds for educational activities, training fees, or “special events” for group socialization.

For more information about joining a parent committee at your child’s school, please refer to the parent handbook or contact your child’s classroom. 

Parent Resources 

Below are various links to help you learn more about the Head Start program.  If you have questions or need help, please feel free to contact us anytime!

Head Start Performance Standards | Head Start Act | History of Head Start | WV Early Learning Standards | Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework